Scicomm X Communication Consultancy

SCICOMM X’s Projects


SJF is the largest multilingual virtual global celebration of science journalism. SJF brings together over +2000 science journalists, writers, scientists, policymakers, and publishers to share and exchange knowledge and ideas.

Science Journalism

The Arab Forum of Science Media and Communication is the region’s largest Arabic event for science journalists and science communicators. It brings together over +500 attendees from over 25 countries.

Scientific Arab is a subscription-based scientific magazine that communicates science and technology to the Arab public audience with a focus on Gen Z.

Arab Science Week is an annual celebration of science and technology in the MENA region, aiming at stimulating curiosity to encourage learning. It covers a broad spectrum of exciting science topics and the intersection of science and other aspects of life.

JourLance is a dynamic platform connecting talented science journalists with publishers to create high-quality, diverse projects. It provides global freelancing opportunities for journalists and enables publishers to access science journalists without location restrictions.