Scicomm X Communication Consultancy

Empowering Journalists to Combat Science Misinformation: A Case Study on the Success of an Educational Webinar Organized by HHMI and Pulitzer Center


The Pulitzer Center aimed to promote their new grant opportunity supporting journalism about science misinformation. To achieve this, they planned to organize an educational webinar called “Science Misinformation: Journalism in the Age of Truth Decay”.

The Challenge:

The study challenge was to effectively promote the new grant opportunity offered by the Pulitzer Center, which aimed to support journalism on the topic of science misinformation. The chosen approach for meeting this challenge was to design and deliver an educational webinar that would inform and engage journalists and reporters from all over the world. The success of the webinar was critical in achieving the objective of promoting the grant opportunity and supporting high-quality journalism on the topic of science misinformation.

The Goal:

The objective was to use the webinar to promote the new grant opportunity to support journalism about science misinformation, and to provide valuable information and resources to journalists interested in reporting on this important topic.

Methodology & Approach

To achieve the goal, the following measures were undertaken:

  1. Designing an informative and educational webinar: The team designed an engaging webinar that focused on the topic of science misinformation and journalistic responses. They created a structured format for the webinar that would keep the attendees interested and engaged.
  2. Leveraging Scicomm X’s network: The team collaborated with Scicomm X, a global network of science communicators, to design an outreach strategy for science journalists and reporters all over the world. They leveraged ScicommX’s network to promote the webinar and increase awareness of the grant opportunity.
  3. Assessing the online training platform: The team assessed the online training platform to ensure that it could handle the volume of attendees and provide a smooth user experience.
  4. Offering incentives: The team offered incentives for attendees to register and attend the webinar, such as a free resource guide, access to exclusive content, or a chance to win a prize. This helped increase registration numbers and encouraged attendance.
  5. Providing technical and informational support: The team ensured that attendees have a smooth user experience by providing technical support before and during the webinar. They made sure that presenters are well-prepared and have access to any necessary resources to effectively deliver the webinar content.
  6. Executing and delivering the webinars: The team executed and delivered the webinars providing technical and informational support with recording and live streaming.

Key Results:

The team successfully delivered a webinar with the main focus on journalists as attendees. They received more than 500 registrations, indicating strong interest in the topic and the grant opportunity. The webinar helped to promote the Pulitzer Center’s new grant opportunity to support journalism about science misinformation, and also provided valuable information and resources to journalists interested in reporting on this important topic. The webinar was well-received by the attendees, who reported that they found it informative and engaging. The team achieved their objective of promoting the grant opportunity and providing valuable information to journalists.


Visit Pulitzer Center and HHMI websites to keep up with their latest updates and learn more information.

Client Testimonial

Our collaboration with Scicomm X is based on delivering science content to the Genomics-passionate audience in both Arabic and English. We have been working with Scicomm X professionals for the past eight months to help us achieve our vision for our Instagram platform. We are pleased with the service we are receiving; our account managers are very professional, knowledgeable, and very responsive.
Enas Qudeimat
Head of Administration and outreach at NYC CSGB